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© Mari Dein– stock.adobe.com

social commitment

© Mari Dein– stock.adobe.com

© Mari Dein– stock.adobe.com

social commitment


The „Muschelkuenstler“ is a group of 11 artists from the autistic spectrum located around Nuremberg, Bavaria.

Eva-Maria David, Jonas Deierling, Johannes Haag, Artur Lebtag, Christian Lutsch (died), Peter Matthews, Anna-Maria Thomas, Nicolas Wolf, Fabian Probst, Alexa Müller-Welt and Andre Spieß live and work together. Painting and its presentation to the public means a lot to these young adults, because art gives them the opportunity to get in touch with the world out there „at eye level“.

The Muschelkünstler are behaving creatively and informally in their way to create art. Their expressive paintings are characterized by bold spontaneity. They impressively counter the cliché that autistic people only operate within a rigid set of rules and have hardly any imagination or phantasy.

In 2008 the non-profit organization Muschelkünstler e.V. was founded by parents and art professionals in order to provide an organizational and financial framework for the artistic activities. The aim is to introduce people from the autistic spectrum to a largely self-determined life through art. Through their paintings the artists, who usually can not speak, enable themselves to express their emotional world. In addition to the therapeutic aspect it was also important for the initiators to place the work of autistic people in a relaxed relationship to cultural practices of the so-called normal world. This means drawing the general public attention to the diverse world of perception of autistic people and bringing the Muschelkünstler into contact with their environment through art – in form of vernissages, exhibitions, integrative workshops etc.

Executive Interim Partners are a member of the organization Muschelkünstler e.V. und supports their artistic education and artwork.  Some very impressive paintings are exposed in our Munich offices.

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Social commitment

If you would like to learn more about the Muschelkuenstler or support this wonderful initiative, please use the contact form to contact the 1st chairman of the Muschelkuenstler e.V. Dr. Jürgen Wolf.